Are you ready to scale your business, help more people, make more $$, and be a positive influence in your local community?
Let’s DO THIS, Together!
This program was born out of:
- 27 years of professional architecture projects = 2 million s.f. of constructed projects
- 30 years of coaching and training on-fields/courts with all ages
- 15 years of creating the reputation as THE KNOWN EXPERT in our own 3-5 county area
Our Mission
Creating Aging-in-Place Experts who design & build inclusive housing solutions, so that every client can “Stay where they love and thrive where they live.”
At ForeverHome®, we know that the right home, good design solutions, and vetted trusted professionals can help us all to achieve success for our clients. We do this by creating a safe and comfortable environment for our clients in their 2nd half of life. This gives your clients the only two things anyone actually shops for, hence the only two things you actually sell in life – A dream come true, or a pain avoided. Period.
This in-depth certification course is designed to assist any small business owner in the fields of architecture, design and construction with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and build home solutions that support successful aging in place outcomes for your community.
When you’ve completed this coursework, whether DIY, with group or 1-on-1 level support, you’ll be a known expert in your area, and the GO-TO resource for your 50+ market! This is what you need. This is what our nation needs. Join the mission, and take your passion to the next level by investing in the mindset, training, and skills you’ll need to scale your business to meet this exploding need all across the globe!
Become a ForeverHome®Certified Professional TODAY! Let’s get started with you, and for you.
Here’s to your SUCCESS!
Certification Coursework Outline
Wrapping Your Head Around the Astounding Statistics of Our Aging Future
Description: You are at a unique crossroads in history, as a business owner. The global population has NEVER looked like it does, right now. The next 5-10 years in the demographic shift, and your ability to recognize it and capitalize on it, are going to be the key to your company’s success (or failure if you don’t) ACT NOW. The needs, wants, and fears of your ideal client have never been more present and forward-facing. Your IDEAL CLIENT is the wealthiest, by both earnings and inheritance, of any demographic in history. Your ideal client is SEARCHING for answers, right now, to fulfill their dreams for a successful outcome in the New Longevity Forecast. This is our New Longevity. We are forecasted to live to 100 and beyond. The wave of change is here, and your potential for success is UNLIMITED. This is an AWESOME time to be a small business owner!
You will LEARN:
- Why right now in history, is literally a Once in a Lifetime business opportunity
- What your IDEAL Client is expressing as their pain... and why it can be solved BY YOU.
- Who they are, where they are, what they’re looking for (and YES they have $$!)
Running a SWAG – Taking the Pulse of Your Area Market Opportunity.
Description: How do you know if you have a viable idea for a new business? How do you evaluate an opportunity for a new revenue stream or “vertical” offering for your company to grow and scale? Learn how to quickly (and budget consciously) evaluate your market, take the pulse of your geographic and demographic areas, so you can assess and decide if/where/when your new business, or your new product or service solution offering, is viable as a new or additional income opportunity.
You will LEARN:
- What is a SWAG, and why does it matter for your organization & new marketplace opportunities.
- Why you should do a SWAG before a SWOT (for timeline and budget purposes).
- What research is required, and what outcomes you can expect to learn by running a SWAG.
Evaluating your options – Where & How do you want to GET INTO this space?
Description: You see the opportunity and the available space in the market for your solution. But who are YOU specifically, and how do you FIT? This is where we do some of our initial personal deep dive work. Looking at who YOU ARE as a company (and just as importantly, as a person and leader of your organization). We will hone-in on how to align your personal strengths, vision, mission, and core values to coordinate with the structure and marketing of your offer to the 50+ marketplace for Aging in Place. This work will also prepare us for our future training where we dive into networking collaboration with parallel industries in your geographic area, and those “power partners” you can create cross referrals with.
You will LEARN:
- Who do YOU want to BE in this opportunity space?
- How you can best enter the New Longevity marketplace with your product or service solution, based on your unique strengths and vision.
- How to align your offerings with researched market opportunities (& gaps), helping you carve out your niche solution offering in this growing industry.
- What you can’t learn in 18 hours with the major national Certification Programs
- What it really means to be the Quarterback and Concierge who brings silos together
- How can AIP/UD become a new income stream & revenue source for your company
- Stats TELL, but STORIES SELL. Making an Emotional Connection with Boomers & Families
- Magic Touches: The 7-12 Touch Points with Your Potential Clients
- The Gift of the Go-Giver: Why Giving Your Advice (away for free) Leads to SALES
- Active Listening: Why keeping your mouth shut draws clients TO YOU
- Peeling The Onion: Going THREE Levels Deep to get to the REAL TRUTHS
- Leverage Messaging: Why Speaking to Groups Creates Exponential Awareness
- Colleagues Create Clients: Why Your Adjacent Industries Need to Know Your NICHE
- 6 Degrees Of Separation: Everyone Knows Someone Who NEEDS Your Solution
- Holding Hands: Creating Professional Teams and Alliances for Complete Solutions
- Where’s Waldo?: Knowing Your IDEAL CLIENT PROFILE, Where & How to Reach Them
- Expected Value: Understanding Your Business Math, Who to Chase, and When to Let Go
- The Art & Science of Sales: You ONLY Sell TWO THINGS in Life. Period. (Dream/Pain)
- The Walkaway: Why Talking Yourself Out of One Sale, Leads to Multiple Referrals
- Managing Expectations: How Open (and often) Communication Creates Referrals
- Project Talk: Teaching Your Client During the Project, So They Advocate FOR YOU After
- It Doesn’t Hurt To ASK: Asking for the Referral While Your Client Is Happy With You
- Hut, Hut… Now What?: Your New Role in the Community as a Known Leader & Expert
- The Teamwork Dreamwork Equation: Creating a More Self-Managed Company
- The C, E, & O of It All: Growing Personally, to Lead Passionately with your VISION
- Let’s Stay In Touch: Did You Mean It? Then You DO IT (and how to…)
- Reticular Activator: The POWER of Being Public & “Top of Mind” in Your Community
- Cheers: “Where Everybody KNOWS YOUR NAME” & Why it Matters
- Flattening Your Fears: Learning to Get Comfortable in Front of an Audience
- Power Up and Get On Point: Creating Your First Training & Powerpoint Presentation
- Entertain While You Educate: Hear the Cheers (of Future Referrals)
- Qualified Leads: Inbound Calls on Auto-Pilot – How to Screen Out the Tire Kickers
- Biz Builder Beware: Things to Watch Out For on your Way Up (during Scaling your Business)
- The A.I. of A.I.P: (Guest Training) There’s Nothing Artificial About Setting Up Good Help
- Your WHYs and your KPIs: Staying on Vision & Tracking Your Metrics
- O.R.G. It’s not what you think: Team Building & Your ORG Chart Expansion Plan
- CYA & TMZ: How to Cover Your Axe - Avoiding Bad Press & Reputation Damage